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Fabricademy 2017


week 1 - State of the art, Project Management and Documentation


Fabricademy is a transdisciplinary course that focuses on the development of new technologies applied in the textile industry, in its broad range of applications, from the fashion industry to the upcoming wearable market.

Starting on 26th of September of 2017, it is held thorough weekly lectures worldwide and related assigments, supported by local tutorials and lectures. 


All assigments will be documented on this website, available as open source (to be distributed and reproduced freely).

Building my own website


I decided to build this website as the documenting platform of my work in order to keep it as portfolio. My first idea was to learn coding while building the website from scratch with html and css. The first sofware I used was Brackets, which is available for free download. As support for learning and building the layout as I wished, I used the website w3schools


After I had the layout ready I wanted to publish it online but didn`t know to do it. First I thought that the Github was a website publishing tool but after talking to specialists in FabLab Kamp-Lintfort I understood that it is used as a repository and it could not publish my website. 


As I searched for free website publishing tools I have found the Wix. Altough the website was already partially coded, this platform allows me to design easily without coding. My initial goal was to build this website to learn coding but the amount of time I was taking was delaying my documentation process. For this reason I decided to keep this platform for my documentation.



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